【愛情的dress code】《熟前整理》
Tax Withholding - Internal Revenue Service徐譽庭《我可能不會愛你》寫出所有輕熟女心聲,她在《熟前整理》的推薦序中說:「你會在那些似曾相識裡,發現那個停在某處的自己。」 書裡有一篇【愛情的dress code】,正巧講的是「程又青們」的心聲: 「我們總是對虎視眈眈又嗲聲柔弱的瑪姫們看不順眼卻無可奈何,我們總是會招架不住那些主動出撃郤慣性劈腿的To make sure you are getting the right amount of tax withheld, get Publication 919, How Do I Adjust My Tax Withholding? It will help you compare the total tax to be withheld during the year with the tax you can expect to figure on your return. It also wil...