How to burn mpeg to dvd? any help will be great, thx - Official Nero Forum 在許多人看來,不用安全網和鯊魚同游簡直是個噩夢。但在被稱為“鯊魚戰士”的萊斯利-洛查特看來,這才是問題所在。她試圖使人相信這些動物並不是影片《大白鯊》所描述的吃人怪物,而是對世界海洋的良性發展起到至關重要作用的動物。 這些驚人照片展示了這位南非自由潛水者和虎鯊同游的精彩瞬間Hello Wither, Thanks for taking the time and effort to help me on this problem, your altruism is noted and appreciated. 1). The part of vision that I am using is "Make DVD", DVD video. 2). Yes, I can view the videos in Nero Vision and also play and edit t...