看完以下對 "Rachel McAdams 瑞秋·麥亞當斯 " 的形容,妳不得不忌妒這位好萊塢 "仙
Wont Go Home Without You Chords by Maroon 5 @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com Rachel McAdams 瑞秋·麥亞當斯從早期的電影 "辣妹過招"、"手札情緣" 再到 "時空旅人之妻"、"午夜巴黎" 直到去年的 "真愛每一天" 等她的搭檔似乎是一個比一個性感(從 Ryan Gosling 雷恩葛斯林、Ryan Reynolds Wont Go Home Without You Chords by Maroon 5 with chord diagrams, easy version and transpose. Added on May 22, 2007 ... WARNING: You are trying to view content from Ultimate-Guitar.com in an unauthorized ......