GoHalainn: Review: Etude House Wonder Pore Whipping Foaming and Brush 四檔猿王路飛!太霸氣~ 如果學弗蘭奇動作會是這樣的!額 哈哈哈 合體以後會是像這樣… 太帥拉!!如果再開個四檔的話!海米們自己去想像吧! 海賊王會飛的人物越來越多,接下來我們來看看都有哪些人… 白鬍子海賊團第一隊隊長,動物系「幻獸種」果實能力者。擁有超強的Hello! ~ It is really about time I review these product, because I had them for quite a long time by now - The Etude House Wonder Pore Whipping Foaming, as well as the The first noticeable thing about this product is the packing. I am usually all for cute...