Gal Gadot to Play Wonder Woman in ‘Batman vs. Superman’ | Variety人吵架的時候,什麼最重要?驕傲?自尊?面子?輸贏? 這些都不重要最重要的仍然是你心愛的那個人最重要的仍然是你們這份得來不易的感情本來在愛情裡,不管是爭執或衝突,只要最後能協調、能化解就好了,哪有什麼贏者或輸家真要爭誰贏誰輸,誰有面子誰又低聲下氣,最後賠上的只是這份感情,誰也沒贏~~實際上是兩敗俱傷~Gal Gadot will play Wonder Woman in the untitled “Batman vs. Superman” movie. Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck are set to star with Zack Snyder directing. “Wonder Woman is arguably one of the most powerful female characters of all time and a fan favorite in t...