How to Hyperlink in Word to a PDF | eHow 即將邁入60的我,是爸爸、是父親、也是一家之主 忙工作、忙家庭,歲月毫不留情在我臉上留下痕跡,太太常常關注著我雙眼下的兩輪浮腫眼袋,看起來憔悴又蒼老一天兩天說著,讓本不在意的我,也開始在意了起來…下班回家,再看著同事們貼心製作的回憶錄,懷念起當年耿耿有神、有自信的眼神的自己無形壓力越Just like Web pages, your Microsoft Word document has the ability to contain hyperlinks within text. These links take you to site on the Web or to a file such as a portable data format (PDF) document. Consider creating a hyperlink to a PDF document that h...