He Flirts at Work The Next Day Won’t Say A Word – Is He Interested? 便當 對於日本人可謂是深入在生活中的方方面面,不論是還在上學的孩子還是已經上班的成年人,不論是工地的建築工人還是辦公室里的白領,很多人都會帶着便當。並且很多媽媽、妻子都是做便當的一把好手,不僅內容豐富就連便當的顏值都能做的十分的高! &nbsIs your co-worker flirting with you? Is he confusing you because he’s into you one day, but then he barely will talk to you the next day? Why is this? ... Hi, i am also going through something similar at work. We flirted like crazy, looking each other in ...