要脫還是要穿? David Beckham 全新H M內衣廣告由你決定!│Marie Claire
This Is My Father’s World - - NetHymnal – Thousands of Hymns, Hymn Authors and Composer Bi圖、文/美麗佳人 每次都說這是他最後一次脫衣服的大衛貝克漢(David Beckham)持續與H&M合作,本季春夏再度推出在全世界都超熱銷的新系列內衣款式,不過這次有點不一樣了,適逢即將到來並且在全球超過兩億觀眾收看的《超級盃》比賽,H&M這次共製作了兩段廣告影片,並讓大家投票決定在《超級盃》上的播This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres. This is my Father’s world: I rest me in the thought Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; His hand the wonders wrought. This is my Father’s...