Fan-Girl.Org - Celeb News, Fan Stuff, and More 不曉得大家是否曾遇過以下的狀況:想跟上在全球持續發燒蔓延的Sporty Style,無奈鞋櫃裡都是功能導向的運動鞋,較難應用於日常穿搭;或是正準備運動時,卻發現一般鞋款機能不夠專業,無法提供完善的保護。 難道就沒有一雙動靜皆宜、允文允武的百搭鞋款嗎?不,不是這樣的,美國專業運動品牌SKECHERSOwning a racehorse has always been thought of as something of a highbrow affair. So it’s no surprise to find that many celebrities have been drawn into the lucrative world of horse-racing. And here’s a list of ten horse-mad celebrities! Steven Spielberg S...