Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) - FIFA.com 蟑螂什麼都吃,大便、鼻涕、殘羹剩菜、甜食,動作很靈敏,什麼都爬,它們是一邊吃一邊嘔吐還一邊拉,身上攜帶著N種病毒:如痢疾、副霍亂、肝炎、結核病、白喉、猩紅熱、蛔蟲病等。蟑螂還分泌和排泄出有異臭的物質,在它爬過的地方。而且,蟑螂生命力特別強,一隻雌蟑螂一年可繁殖近萬隻後代...... 不說了,我已經Ahead of the final of the FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015, the sixth FIFA Women’s Football Symposium took place from 3-5 July in Vancouver, Canada. The whole event was streamed live on FIFA.com and you can now watch a recording of the symposium ......