world exposition

World's Columbian Exposition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia還記得前陣子的「杜甫」很忙嗎?我們不禁感嘆學生們上課的專心程度,也對於這些惡搞創意感到驚奇! 而其他國家的學生,雖然畫功略遜(可能還是有專心上課...)但惡搞程度不下於杜甫系列! 大家都覺得上課好無聊XDDDDThe World's Columbian Exposition (the official shortened name for the World's Fair: Columbian Exposition,[1] also known as The Chicago World's Fair) was a World's Fair held in Chicago in 1893 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's ar...


World's fair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia年底又到了交換禮物的高峰期,現在交換禮物很多人選擇惡搞方式,國外就有網友收到了朋友寄來的一個禮物,但是其實禮物跟你想的不一樣XDDDD神祕的禮物!原來是個鯨魚娃娃!還附上一張卡片呢!看這卡片感覺就不太妙阿......看來是好友間的默契,寄出禮物的人要收件者好好享受這個禮物吧XD這個網友相當清楚該怎麼A world's fair, world fair, world exposition or universal exposition (sometimes spelled expo for short) is a large public exhibition. These exhibitions vary in character and are held in varying parts of the world. The current world's fair is Expo 2015 in ...


Exposition | MEDICAL WORLD AMERICAS 對於有些旅客來說,節日提供了難得的機遇,讓他們更瞭解當地的特定文化。那麼,就讓我們一起看看世界上最髒的節日,你會發現自己將被食品、酒和泥漿潑灑一身。   1.西班牙巴倫西亞的番茄節   通常番茄被用來扔一些壞演員和開一些玩笑,但西班牙的巴倫西亞鎮每年舉辦的扔番茄節吸引了成千上萬Exposition A World of Innovation With a broad range of suppliers of medical products, equipment, technology and services assembled in one convenient location, Medical World Americas brings the newest developments into sharp focus for you. Tour the exhibit...
