World Vision International | For Children. For Change. For Life. 哥們(習慣了,你不同意拉倒),你好: 見字如面(還是不見的好) 首先,向你道個歉,沒經過你同意,就把你家的門給整開了,不過,與同行相比,我還是挺講究的,在開鎖的時候,沒有用電鑽、斧子等破壞性工具,如不介意的話,從經濟角度上講,你還是可以用原先那把鎖的,我用人格保證,我是不偷回頭客的,一來,你小門小Emergencies In disaster situations, children are always the most vulnerable to the effects of malnutrition and disease World Vision works around the clock to bring hope and relief to children and families whose lives are threatened in the wake of disaster...