worldcat catalogue The World's Largest Library Catalog 我一直認為園長的背景不單純,原來....... 高手果然都躲在平凡之中..... Find what you want in a library near you with WorldCat, a global catalog of library collections. ... NOTICE: By accessing and using WorldCat services, you hereby consent to your personal data, and any other data you provide, being transmitted to and store...


WorldCat - OCLC: Worldwide, member-driven library cooperative | Global     不過還是22K嗎?XD              Discovery and delivery at Webscale OCLC’s discovery services allow libraries to expand their visibility and reach on the Web by connecting information seekers directly to the relevant information in their collections. makes the items in libra...


Catalogs - Welcome to the Evanston Public Library 維尼真得好忙喔!!  Evanston Public Library, Evanston, IL, endeavors to promote the development of independent, self-confident, and literate citizens. ... Old CCS Catalog Search the collections of the Evanston Public Library AND the collections of the 22 other public librari...


WorldCat - OCLC: Worldwide, member-driven library cooperative | Global   這麼亂還看得出來XDIndex labels and examples of an expert search in WorldCat® Database, the OCLC Online Union Catalog Use a colon after an index label (for example, au:) when you are not certain of your search terms. Use an equal sign after an index label (au=) for an exact...
