worldcat catalogue The World's Largest Library Catalog 親愛的老婆: 你,在娘家還好嗎? 從我們慪氣到現在你已經離家出走達38小時零37分鐘了,這距離你出走史上的最高紀錄還差4個小時零21分種,我知道你在等我向你登門道歉,我也準備這樣做,但我更希望你能堅持下去,再創你出走史上的新高! 我在家裡一切還好,請不要惦念。雖然,你帶走了存摺,不過,你不用擔心我Find what you want in a library near you with WorldCat, a global catalog of library collections. ... NOTICE: By accessing and using WorldCat services, you hereby consent to your personal data, and any other data you provide, being transmitted to and store...


WorldCat - OCLC: Worldwide, member-driven library cooperative | Global 和她在一起七年了,我們是相親認識的,他是我嬸嬸同學的女兒。我們的認識,是因雙方父母的執著。也就是這次相見,成就了我們長達七年的愛情,後來由於種種原因,我們最終還是分開了。其實原本之前,我們對彼此是很滿意的,她對我很好,因為我喜歡吃什麼,她就會學著下廚做給我吃。而我是做企劃的,長時間坐辦公室,久而久Discovery and delivery at Webscale OCLC’s discovery services allow libraries to expand their visibility and reach on the Web by connecting information seekers directly to the relevant information in their collections. makes the items in libra...


University of New Brunswick Libraries 文:Ting 很多人都覺得接吻是件害羞的事,但它其實是件非常健康的事,以下有八種接吻的健康益處,讓我們一起幸福又健康吧! 1.接吻能降低血壓 熱情地接吻可以讓心跳加速,程度類似呼吸及心跳稍為加速的中等程度的有氧運動,這種加速是很健康的,可以擴大血管,讓血液的流動良好,進入重要的器官中,並且降低血壓University of New Brunswick Libraries serving the UNB Fredericton, UNB Saint John and St. Thomas University research and academic communities. ... Site Navigation Menus (use tab and down arrow) About...


Catalogs - Welcome to the Evanston Public Library 避孕是一種兩難:妳要有效,得要會算生理期、要服避孕藥,或是很麻煩地上醫院裝避孕器,尤其是後者,把它拿出來還得去見一次醫師;但愈是不想麻煩,失敗機率就愈高,而事後避孕藥又不夠安全。不過現在有一種方法可能可以解決這種困境:遠端控制避孕器。 這款裝置是由美國麻州列星頓的 MicroCHIPS 公司研發,Evanston Public Library, Evanston, IL, endeavors to promote the development of independent, self-confident, and literate citizens. ... Old CCS Catalog Search the collections of the Evanston Public Library AND the collections of the 22 other public librari...


WorldCat - OCLC: Worldwide, member-driven library cooperative | Global   一、生理上的性衝動: 當我們對一位異性產生興趣或愛上某個異性時,希彼此有身體上的接觸。在真實的愛情生活裡,這種欲望是永遠存在的。性沖動並不單單隻是行為,它還包含瞭許多其它親密的身體上接觸,譬如牽手、擁抱等等,這種情感會永遠都存在愛人的心裡。 二、美麗的感覺: 在有愛情的時候Index labels and examples of an expert search in WorldCat® Database, the OCLC Online Union Catalog Use a colon after an index label (for example, au:) when you are not certain of your search terms. Use an equal sign after an index label (au=) for an exact...
