Impreza WRX Car Club Victoria Inc. - Home (示意圖 與本文無關 google搜尋) 我認識這個女生之後,從她身上,我學會永遠不要相信女性,也很慶幸沒跟她發生關系,後來也漸行漸遠。這個女生其實是已經結婚的輕熟女,大學畢業就結婚了,我認她的時候她大概是25歲左右,業務往來認識的,剛生完小孩,她很會似有若無的挑逗人,不管是不經意的觸碰,或是耳邊The club was first established in early 1997, just three years after the Australian release of the first Subaru WRX in 1994, and has grown from its humble beginnings of only six loyal members back then to in excess of 350 members today. In addition, the C...