WST-1-based cell cytotoxicity assay as a substitute for MTT-based assay for rapid detection of toxig 如果你是一個受氣包,那麼你有沒有考慮過自己是有責任積極改變你的生活的?也許你沒有被控制,但你已經停留在試圖讓你的伴侶回應,滿足你需求的僵局裡。你有沒有考慮過,你可以停止嘗試,而自己滿足這些需要? 之所以我們這麼努力是因為我們每個人內心都有個缺口,那個缺口只能由自己來填滿,而這是往往是最難的事情WST-1-based cell cytotoxicity assay as a substitute for MTT-based assay for rapid detection of toxigenic Bacillus species using CHO cell line Puriya Ngamwongsatit a, Padmapriya P. Banada b, Watanalai Panbangred a, Arun K. Bhunia b, , a Department of ......