有個女生要跳河自殺 我只說了幾句話 救了她一命…
Cell Proliferation Reagent WST-1 Protocol & Troubleshooting | Sigma-Aldrich 1、最討厭人抽煙了,尤其是女性,要不然我也不會因為咳嗽,被警察在女廁所給抓了。 2、小時候窮,沒錢洗澡,我只好偷偷地趴在別人窗邊看著別人洗。 3、小明:警察同志你聽我解釋,我聽到隔壁房間一直大喊不要。。。不要。我才衝過去一腳把人家門踢壞的,沒想到她喊的是不要停~。 警察Protocol Settlement of cells Cells are not required to settle down to the bottom of the well as cells do not interfere with the measurement. Cells do not absorb, at the wavelength used for quantification of WST-1 cleavage. It is therefore possible to meas...