wwdc live

CNET's WWDC 2012 live blog | CNET - All Streams | CNET素顏的時候確實沒p過,所以說沒有醜女人只有懶女人是真理, 稍微裝扮後做生意都容易了好多很多! 美女有優待不是麼? 女神什麼的真心不是啥難事! 沒畫過妝無ps的素顏照,豁出去了!!   下面開始是見證奇蹟的時刻!!   化妝後氣質是不是好了很多?CNET brings you live news from Apple's 2012 annual Worldwide Developers Conference. The event starts at 10 a.m. PT. Join us early for full coverage. ... CNET's WWDC 2012 live blog CNET brings you live news from Apple's 2012 annual Worldwide Developers ......


WWDC Live | The latest WWDC news – as it happensThe latest WWDC news - as it happens ... So the Apple Design Awards were announced today, and the biggest news from it, of course, was Inventive / Widget Machine co-developed iClip lite taking home the award for Best Dashboard Widget....
