同婚表功績 國際籲小英莫忘「跨虹者」人權
Gizmodo Live - New iPad Liveblog各國「跨虹者」今(22)日遊行至總統府向蔡英文總統陳情。(圖/胡智凱拍攝) 優傳媒記者胡智凱/台北報導來自美國、加拿大甚至友邦巴拉圭的各國「跨虹者」,今(22)日赴總統府向蔡英文總統遞交陳情信,呼籲國家要重視並捍衛「跨虹人權」(Rainbow Crossing Human Right),並Our WWDC 2013 Liveblog Kicks Off Right Now 23 Brian Barrett and 988 others Edit Delete Invite Invite manually Promote XDismiss XUndismiss Block for Gizmodo Live Hide Welcome friends! In less than an hour, Apple's going to take the wrapping off of the all-...