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eBuddy - Official Site現在這什麼都在賣的超商裡倒也什麼樣的客人都有… 話說小弟我在超商工作好幾年去年夏天 某個炎熱的周五… 一位中年婦人進了我們店大聲嚷嚷著:「你們有沒有賣果菜汁的罐頭呀?」 「果菜汁的罐頭?你是要鐵鋁罐的果菜汁嗎?」我回答 「Web messenger which is compatible with a variety of services like AIM, AOL, and MSN....


eBuddy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia請問大名 女業務電訪:先生您好我這邊是三傷保險公司,想向您做一個問卷調查,不知先生方便嗎?男受訪員:可以啊女業務電訪:那先生貴姓?男受訪員:陳女業務電訪:那大名呢?男受訪員:嗯 大閔女業務電訪:先生大名呢?男受訪員:我叫大閔啊女業務電訪:先生夠了喔,(語調略高)先生大名呢?男受訪員:就叫大eBuddy is a privately held Dutch software company that offers instant messaging services. eBuddy is a pioneer in the mobile messaging landscape with its services having 400 million users; 300 million downloads; and 650 billion messages processed.[1] The c...


A step towards the future: eBuddy Chat is no longer available亭亭到同事家做客,離開時,同事送她到門口並叫了部計程車。沒想到亭亭才上車,突然搖下窗戶對著同事大喊:「我要死在你家、我要死在你家!!」一臉錯愕的同事還來不及反應,亭亭已下了車…「我的鑰匙忘記拿,還好及時想起… 」亭亭一臉好佳在的說eBuddy Web Messenger is a web based instant messaging service. Chat online with friends on MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, GTalk and Facebook, even behind a firewall. A step towards the future: eBuddy Chat is no longer available Recognizing the decline of the insta...


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