美國潮牌CLSC 之父 - Josh Vides 即將來台!
MoveOn.org - Official Site之前曾跟大家分享過美式街頭潮流概念店HOPES的開幕 (點擊回顧),當時party上的歡笑聲和品牌主理人的祝福仍言猶在耳,現在來自洛杉磯的 新銳品牌 - CLSC將搶先點燃HOPES 2015美式街頭潮流品牌期間店的第一波,於2015年1月1日在 HOPES開幕。 CLSC主理人Josh VICTORY in SC! 571,000 MoveOn members signed a petition to make clear that symbols of hate have no place in our government. Now the Confederate Flag has come down from ... Tell Costco: Say NO to GMO salmon As you may be aware, the U.S. Food and ......