她一句話讓男友直接GG了!XD 男友總是在酸女友沒有胸部.....
(HOWTO)HTC One X Wifi fix with Foil in 9 minutes! - YouTube 這篇原PO真的是嗆的好啊! 這種嘴賤男人真的是沒什麼好值得留戀的啊! 也不看看自己的弟弟是有多大,憑什麼要來要求別人ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ 大!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------How to fix the wifi problem on HTC One X (international version), this video shows you to fix the wifi problem(100% worked) --------------- **If you watch this video on your mobile or tablet, please turn on the CC descriptions!!!** (6:48)!!!!!RECOMMEND!...