x japan 維基

Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia老闆,刮鬍刀在哪裡! Japan (Japanese: 日本 Nippon or Nihon; formally 日本国 Nippon-koku or Nihon-koku, "State of Japan") is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching ...


Final Fantasy X - The Final Fantasy Wiki - 10 years of having more Final Fantasy information than Ci吃西瓜可不能隨便--要名牌的   The CTB from Final Fantasy X. Unlike the past few games where the battle system used ATB, Final Fantasy X uses the Conditional Turn-Based Battle (CTB) system, or the Count Time Battle system in Japan. Basically, CTB is a turn-based system, which does not ...


Final Fantasy X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia寫這封信是為了化解作者跟他爸的誤會....就因為出門去基隆文化中心看書,沒坐計程車回家~~被罵~ 然後,用累積已久的怨忿寫出來的內容引經據典還附實驗證明...真是太讚了 ! ㄏㄏ第二頁尤其精彩!! Final Fantasy X (ファイナルファンタジーX, Fainaru Fantajī Ten?) is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) as the tenth entry in the Final Fantasy series. Originally released in 2001 for Sony's PlayStation 2, the game was re-rel...


Cyclops (Scott Summers) - X-Men Wiki - Wolverine, Marvel Comics, Origins 我趕案子也是這樣(咦),爆發小宇宙圖破天際   Cyclops and his new Uncanny X-Men Cyclops, Magneto and Magik began freeing wrongfully imprisoned and hunted mutants, declaring that mutantkind wasn't going to suffer abuse anymore. While freeing Emma Frost, Cyclops and Magneto both began losing control .....


鄧紫棋 - 维基百科蔬菜藝術(看了還想再看)~~每一張都很可愛哦!12張圖(點圖看大圖喔)                       1月中旬,蜂鳥音樂宣布啟動鄧紫棋2013年世界巡迴演唱會。4月,鄧於紅館完成一連五場的X.X.X. Live世界巡迴演唱會香港站,五場演唱會全場爆滿兼大獲好評,並邀請王傑, 胡夏, 張敬軒和林俊傑為嘉賓。...


宫崎骏 - 维基百科真想知道這家店在哪裡耶... 士林夜市 !! 宫崎駿(日语:宮﨑 駿/みやざき はやお Miyazaki hayao,1941年1月5日-)是日本動畫師、動畫導演、及漫畫家。畢業於杉並區立永福小學校、杉並區立大宮中學校、東京都立豐多摩高等學校及學習院大學政治經濟學院。大學畢業後踏入動畫製作工作,日後 ......
