x men 3

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - IMDb   就算我是貓,也要當一隻勇敢做夢的貓!Directed by Brett Ratner. With Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart. When a cure is found to treat mutations, lines are drawn amongst the X-Men, led by Professor Charles Xavier, and the Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organized...


X-Men: The Last Stand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   大哥,請問您是想飛嗎?X-Men: The Last Stand (also known as X-Men 3 or X3)[4] is a 2006 superhero film, based on the X-Men superhero team introduced in Marvel Comics. The film, distributed by 20th Century Fox, is the third installment in the X-Men film series. It was directed b...


X战警 - 维基百科   因為我用股溝HOLD住了!!    《X戰警》(英语:X-Men)是漫威漫畫的超級英雄團體,由斯坦·李和杰克·科比創造,初次登場於1963年9月漫畫X-Men #1中。與其相關的書在當今美國主流漫畫界十分賣座,並於2000年推出同名電影,全球票房收入達3億美元,其系列電影迄今已拍攝七部。 影片 ......


X-Men 3: The Last Stand - KillerMovies.com :: Movies That Matter! 白人妹太像了!!Kelsey Grammar Talks On 'X-Men 3: The Last Stand' Tuesday, May 16th, 2006 He plays Hank McCoy/Beast... Ian McKellen Talks 'X-Men 3: The Last Stand' Tuesday, May 9th, 2006 Thoughts on X-Men directors... Director Brett Ratner Talks 'X-Men 3' Friday, April ....
