X-mini™ Portable Speakers | Sound Quality & Clarity Beyond Size | The Original Capsule Speaker文章來源於:德國優才計劃/轉載授權請與原作者聯繫 ▲一體化的打包,節省材料,更讓顧客拿取更加方便。 ▲又是一套酷炫的一體式打包包裝,太省事了! ▲這個披薩包裝太貼心了, 這下吃披薩就不用當心弄髒手了。 X-mini offers portable and Bluetooth speakers that deliver quality sound beyond size. Our range of portable speakers, which include CLEAR, Kai2, MAX, UNO, WE and ME, are compatible with most Apple iOS and Android smartphones, tablets, laptops and ......