sin(1/x) and x sin(1/x) limit examples - Department of Mathematics, University of Washington 空姐這個名詞,對於不少男士有種莫名的吸引力,而且空姐給人的印象總是溫婉嫺靜又落落大方,過著讓普通人都羡慕不已的雲裡來霧裡去的生活,她們或端莊或優雅,或性感或活潑,可以成為一個公司、一個城市,甚至是一個國家的代言。可是她們並非真的『神仙姊姊』,有著常人一樣的七情六慾,普通人的缺點毛病也同樣有可能發生sin(1/x) and x sin(1/x) Limit Examples The behavior of the functions sin(1/x) and x sin(1/x) when x is near zero are worth noting. Below are plots of sin(1/x) for small positive x. We can see that as x gets closer to zero, the function keeps wobbling (or ...