逆向操作 買中古油電車就是現在
Ron Martinsen's Photography Blog: COMPARISON: Fujifilm X20 vs X10 – Have I found my 2013 P&S of the 上周12/4財政部無預警的發布油電混合動力車貨物稅減半徵收的新規定,並即日起生效,未來油電車貨物稅減半優惠必須符合四個要件:一、完稅價格在新臺幣100萬元以下。二、排氣量在3,000立方公分以下。三、油耗值達19公里/公升。四、碳排放量在120公克/公里以下。此新規對動則百萬以上的豪華品牌BMW、Ron Martinsen said... Shane - you can't go wrong with an X10 since it has EXR and better video, but the X20 is faster which can make the difference between getting the shot and not. It depends on your needs and budget. I own both because I still like my X...