超腦洞!8張國中生上課不好好上在課本畫「超白爛插圖」! 6 英語對話被改一下就「變成謀殺推理劇」了啊
Panasonic HC-X1000 Camcorder P review - 50p/60p 4K at 150Mbps - YouTube ▲異想天開的課本插畫,根本超腦洞!(sourse : 今日頭條日本窗,下同) 大家在國高中的時候,上課無聊會在課本上亂塗鴉嗎?有的人可能只是隨手塗塗,但也有的大神直接把插圖大修改,讓劇情直接抄展開!根據頭條號主報導,以下就有8張超有事的課本插圖,看了實在佩服這些學生的想像力。 #1 Overview of the Camera The HC-X1000 is Panasonic’s brand new prosumer camcorder offering some spectacular new features that compete with similar professional camcorder devices costing two or three times as much. Notably the key attraction is 4K and one .....