「如果我變胖了你會不會就不愛我了?」萬年經典老婆 女友的最難考題問句,把「這句話」記起來這樣回她,包
Lenovo ThinkPad X131e review - Engadget - Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features▲如果是變這樣勒~~?(source:tokyotimes、Dcard) 「如果我變胖了你會不會就不愛我了?」「如果我跟你媽掉進海裡,你會先救海一個?」「你覺得我有胖嗎?」這幾個萬年經典的題目,男士們如果你被問到這問題你最好三思而後答!不然一個不小心你今天可能要睡在客廳了或是明天晚上也沒飯吃啦!今天overview The powerful ThinkPad X131e can handle a variety of student assignments, from working with video and creating presentations to managing data and other word processing tasks. The 11.6-inch laptop includes choices of dual core AMD E-300 and E2-1800...