xbmc ipad2

iPad - iPad2連接Digital AV Adapter輸出HDMI訊號畫面偏移(另推薦有買此配件記得裝XBMC for iPad2) - 蘋果討論區 - Mobile01這.....!? 由於安裝了XBMC for iPad2後,本來一直覺得XBMC還尚未對iPad進行操控性最佳化,幾... ... 由於安裝了XBMC for iPad2後,本來一直覺得XBMC還尚未對iPad進行操控性最佳化,幾乎想要把他移掉了,但後來發現了可以在App Store買到XBMC remote軟體,用iPhone ......


How To Upgrade To XBMC 13.0 Gotham - iJailbreakthis要是我的話會揍死他..... The guys over at XBMC hq have released their eagerly anticipated update to the popular media platform XBMC. The latest version named Gotham is now available for public installs and comes with some great upgrades including performance. You are going to nee...


How To Add The New Mashup Server On XBMC - iJailbreakthis這招真的不錯...而且可以一勞永逸!!!!XD The guys involved with the popular XBMC add-on Mashup have been hard at work yet again. Not only are they providing us with fantastic content they have now upgraded to their very own server. This is great news for Mashup fans as it is a good sign that eve...
