Microsoft Announces Upgraded GPU Speed For Xbox One - News - www.GameInformer.com 福州的林先生喜得一對龍鳳胎,回莆田老家醫院辦理出生證明時,林先生在姓名欄上鄭重地填下“林志穎”、“林志玲”,兄妹倆自此有了“明星名兒”。 醫生和親朋都覺得兄妹倆的名字特別有個性。 結果網友吐槽了:再生老三是應該取名叫The Xbox One just got a little faster. ... Update: The podcast referenced in the original story is now live. As we reported earlier, the GPU speed has been increased from 800 MHz to 853 MHz, the Xbox One has entered internal hardware beta, and the operati...