東京處男分布地圖?Google map竟然有這樣的玩法!?
ios - How to download Xcode 4 / 5 / 6 and get the DMG file? - Stack Overflow 圖片來自:rabitsokuhou.2chblog.jp 說到手機裡的地圖功能,好像自從"更新被氣到"後我就懶得使用它了,反正我們還擁有Google map不是嗎?對~好用的Google map,但如果落到了壞人的手裡(嗯?)沒錯!壞人的手裡( ̄▽ ̄)於是就出現了這麼一張「東京處男分布地圖」wwwYou need Apple's Developer License. Go to https://developer.apple.com/downloads/ Or you can go to https://developer.apple.com/ and click Downloads. Uncheck everything other than Developer Tools. You will see latest XCode on top. Currently it's XCode 6.1 D...