xdata external hard drive

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Keil ARM Development Tools Knowledgebase Articles   完全說到我心坎裡了...Knowledgebase Articles about the Keil ARM Development Tools. ... This site uses cookies to store information on your computer. By continuing to use our site, you consent to our cookies....


求救~我的隨身硬碟忽然不能用~~20點- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 省錢又防水的學士服!可以DIY!再也不用花錢租了~~~~對了我隨身硬碟是2.5吋的支援USB2.0(我的電腦也是2.0的) 電源輸入是5V1.3A以下 是建達國際Xander XData External Hard Drive 2.5"攜帶式硬碟支援隨插即用....
