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XE Currency Converter - Live Rates  美國一名奇葩男子近日在某網站上稱自己生來具有兩個生殖器,並上傳了其雙陰莖的照片鏈接以作證明。一時之間,好奇的網友層出不窮,各種露骨提問風起雲湧,可該男子對各種問題毫不晦澀,並大膽暴露其性生活予以回應。 該男子戲謔地自稱為“Diphallia”(雙陰莖)​​。他表Calculate live currency and foreign exchange rates with this free currency converter. You can convert currencies and precious metals with this currency calculator. ... North American Edition 2014-08-08 12:12 UTC Yen and Swiss franc are the main beneficiar...


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