Xiaomi Mi3 review | Mobile Phones - Trusted Reviews - The Latest Technology News and Reviews 圖片來源下同 現在女漢子跟女神經似乎越來越多了阿 但是千萬別戳破自己女友啊! 不然當心吃不了兜著走... ~~~~~原文~~~~~ 標題: #圖 你是哪種系的女友? 有一天我男朋友傳了三個圖片問我 寶貝妳覺得妳是哪一種系啊 犬系 Xiaomi Mi3 review – Is this £200-off phone the best rival to the Nexus 5 that you've never heard of? ... What is the Xiaomi Mi3? Sometimes smartphones can seem a bit boring. Every year, the same companies make the same phone but with a few tweaks, a bigge...