XM8 rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 示意圖 左圖翻攝自網易網易論壇 右圖為youtube 兩名女子原以為朋友身上長的是一棵體型較大的巨型痘痘,但沒想到才擠到一半而已,血和膿都不停地被她們給擠了出來!原來那玩意兒是粉瘤... 從影片中可以清楚看到他們擠粉瘤的過程!不過畫面恐怕引起不適,請斟酌觀看啊... 恩.... 實在是太During the same period, the army came under pressure from other arms makers to open up the XM8 to competition. The main argument was that the weapon that was being adopted was a substantially different system than for the original competition that ATK and...