xmpp example

XMPP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   他在回憶錄中寫道:面對沉船災難,船長命令先讓婦女和兒童上救生艇,許多乘客顯得十分平靜,一些人則拒絕與親人分離。在第一艘救生艇下水後,我對甲板上一名姓斯特勞的女人說:你能隨我一起到那隻救生艇上去嗎?沒想到她搖了搖頭:不,我想還是呆在船上好。她的丈夫問:你為什麼不願意上救生艇呢?這名女人History [edit] Jeremie Miller began working on the Jabber technology in 1998 and released the first version of the jabberd server on January 4, 1999. The early Jabber community focused on open-source software, mainly the jabberd server, but its major outc...


Servers – The XMPP Standards Foundation 如果你還對相親心存排斥,別老土了!相關研究發現,這恐怕是效率最高且最保險的覓得終身伴侶之方式。在光棍節的前夕,請放下心裡的小疙瘩,歡天喜地地擁抱每一次相親的機會吧。 Q1、第一印像很重要,就是俗話說的“有感覺,心動或者來電”,但也有人認為第一印象具有欺騙性?要不要相信第一印An XMPP server provides basic messaging, presence, and XML routing features. This page lists Jabber/XMPP server software that you can use to run your own XMPP service, either over the Internet or on a local area network. Note: The following software was n...


Simple code sample for Web XMPP Chat (via QuickBlox SDK + API) Add a handler for the connection This function adds a handler to the connection. The handler callback will be called for any xmpp stanza (message, presence, iq) that matches the parameters. Any parameter can be skipped. The handler will receive the stanza...


XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe - The XMPP Standards Foundation 艾未未的最新作品,是與川久保玲旗下的 DOVER STREET MARKET 完成一組時裝大片。本著“一切讓藝術家做主”的原則,DOVER STREET MARKET 提供了 Hood By Air、GOSHA RUBCHINSKIY 等新興設計品牌的服裝與場地,而向來不按常理出牌的艾未未則決定讓Naturally, the entities involved may need to complete other use cases in order to enable full pubsub functionality -- for example, the publisher may need to create the node (see Create a Node) and subscribers may need to sign up for event notifications (s...


XMPP - Essentials 越南美髮師 Nguyen Hoang Hung 的專長就是「武士刀」,但是他卻證明了武士刀不僅僅可以拿來戰鬥,還能有另外的功能。事實上,他不是一個受過訓練的武士,但是他現在卻在髮廊裡用武士刀替客人削減頭髮,重點是他可是美髮店的大紅牌...讓我們一起看下去他的故事! 大約四年前,Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an open-standard communications protocol for message-oriented middleware based on XML. The protocol was originally named Jabber. In addition to the obvious 'XMPP' or 'Jabber' branded services, there are...
