Logical xor operator in c++? - Stack Overflow 男朋友對姑娘們的恨之入骨的大姨媽總是嗤之以鼻,『切,有彈蛋蛋痛嗎?』, 甚至還出了本 『女友姨媽期生存手冊』。 What?!婦聯的同學要站出來了,『你來姨媽試試』! 如果有一天,男生也有大姨夫了,那我們的世界會變成什麼樣呢? 首先,一款男用衛生棉會橫空出世,戰鬥型男用衛Actually, Jim, that's not the only difference between & and && for example... 1 && 2 is True. but 1 & 2 => 0. Because of that, I think that "short circuiting" is just a property that they happen to have. Logical is the more important feature... – Brian .....