xp 4g ram pae

作業系統 - windows Server 2003 32位元 支援 8G? - 電腦討論區 - Mobile01         你注意到了嗎!?那是在朱羅紀公園嗎!!!!!raxel wrote: 既然有技術可以支援到4G以上 那為何Vista 32位元還要限制4G 有很大一部分原因是因為各類型驅動程式的相容性所致. 比方Nvidia驅動程式, 不知是否跟video ram mapping有關, 在PAE打開的系統上, 會有許多問題, 不僅在Nvidia的官網上面有說(連結我 ......


Make full use of 4GB RAM on 32-bit Windows (2000/XP/2003/Vista/Win7) with VSuite Ramdisk   為什麼一樣是尾牙獎品,一樣是「蘋果筆記本」 .....為什麼我會有想哭的感覺咧.....  Make Full Use of 4GB RAM or More on 32-bit Windows With cheaper and cheaper RAM, more and more people would like to install 4G or more RAM for their desktops or laptops, trying to obtain higher computer performance. However because of the limitations of 3...


中央處理器 - 我的配備~!!win7 大家會建議 x86 還是 x64 - 電腦討論區 - Mobile01下次如果不會做的題目,試一下這招。 vicfamily wrote: 感謝各位板友的建議!...(恕刪) 放心的灌x64版本吧,我跟你的配備差不多,用4G下去跑還蠻順的~~ 跟VISTA比起來好多了…效能跟XP可能差不多哩~~ (在還沒有灌很 ......


找回被遺忘的記憶體空間:提昇使用率,讓程式跑得更快 - 第 3 頁 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西主人!下次要剃毛前請先徵求一下我的意見!謝謝! 重開機後也能保有RAM Disk資料 眼尖的你可能會發現,我們明明記憶體有8GB,照理來說製作出來的虛擬硬碟應該可以用到4GB的空間,但是透過軟體自動建立出來的虛擬硬碟,為什麼僅有2.37GB的容量?某些情況下這隻程式可能會有這種誤判的狀況。...


memory - Can a 32-bit OS machine use up all 8GB RAM + 20GB page file? - Super User這個馬鈴薯怎麼長成這樣?還有這個妹子......   What I understand about 32-bit OS is, the address is expressed in 32 bits, so at most the OS could use 2 32 = 4G memory space -- I assume the unit is bytes, so 4GB. Does this mean if any machine with a 32-bit OS (be it Windows or Unix) has more than 4GB ....


Windows XP Pro 32-Bit on Intel Xeon - Ars Technica OpenForum      XDHi guys. I hope you can help me to clear my doubts. I am considering buying the 2 xenon quad core E5405 from Dell. For a 32bit XP, by increasing the processor to 2 does it increase the limit of the RAM from 4G to 8G? If not it seems that i need to spend t...
