Special Topic 三大重整策略奏效 Audi 2021年目標月銷350輛
Download Intel SATA AHCI Drivers for Windows XP稍早的十月底,透過一場午間小型餐敘,Audi Taiwan總裁Matthias Schepers與我們分享了今年以來Audi Taiwan的一些作為與現況,也談談接下來Audi品牌的規劃與展望。 圖 Audi Taiwan 穩紮穩打 逐步回穩 Audi在2020年台灣市場的新車月均銷回升For those who want to integrate the Intel SATA AHCI drivers for Windows XP in their windows installation CD, download the drivers from the link given below. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/191912341/Intel_SATA_Driver.rar Password: techrena File Size...