Sony Xperia Tablet S review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news -一對夫婦在翻看家庭老照片時驚奇地發現,兒時的他們互不相識卻竟然同時在一個海灘上玩耍。25歲的愛梅·梅登(Aimee Maiden)和26歲的丈夫尼克·惠勒(Nick Wheeler)完全不知道他們的因緣巧合其實早起於這張拍於1994年的老照片——比The Xperia Tablet S has an excellent design, but there are cheaper alternatives that provide similar and better tablet experiences. ... Along the tablet's right edge sits a volume rocker and power/sleep button; a full-size SD card slot and headphone jack ...