PALLADIUM ╳ atmos夜光軍靴融合型人穿搭!高調登場
Update Xperia Z C6602, C6603, C6616 to 4.4.2 KitKat 10.5.A.0.230 firmware | TechGlen 來自日本東京的知名潮流鞋舖-atmos,多年來一直來在潮流時尚文化中扮演了舉足輕重的角色,對於街頭球鞋文化,atmos更可說是呼風喚雨的存在,本次法國專業靴履品牌PALLADIUM與atmos展開「PALLADIUM by atmos」合作計劃。atmos初次嘗試將日本潮流時尚的本格元素,融入擁有To update Xperia Z C6602, C6603 and C6616 to KitKat, download you will have to download the 10.5.A.0.230 ftf file given here and use flashtool to install it. Here are some details about the latest firmware. Before updating your device, you must learn abou...