Amazon.com : Rivers Edge 15' Onset XT Ladder Stand : Hunting Tree Stand Accessories : Sports & Outdo 大家小時候一定都看過《白雪公主》,這是一部經典的王子與公主的浪漫愛情動畫片,劇中的白雪是女孩兒們的榜樣,男孩兒們的夢中情人。 可是當我們長大之後再細細推敲其中的細節,就會質疑自己,我真的看懂這部劇了嗎?  FEATURING THE PIVOT-LOCK LADDER SYSTEM - The Onset XT ladder stand is the ultimate in innovation. You'll have easier hauling and packing for simple portability and comfort with the TearTuff mesh seat, plus additional seat pad, backrest pad and padded armr...