xt883 me863

摩托羅拉 Milestone3 XT883 4.0.4 電信版ROM刷機包(apk)下載 - 安卓AndroidROM為什麼這樣說呢?因為... 歷趣分享ROM介紹: ROM名稱:MOTO Milestone3 電信版 XT883 FROYO ICS ROM 在CM9(Android 4.0)的基礎上做的精簡 所有的一切都是必須的,沒法再精簡了,精簡的好處就是:速度極快,使用流暢,減少不必要的資源消耗...


[ROM] XT883 Rom v60.3.250 Android v2.3.6 (up… | Motorola Droid 3 | XDA Forums好危險... XT883 ROM SOLANA_SLNCT-57.1.60 (thank LaZiODROID uploaded) Here is another mirror containing the XT883 Fastboot, 60.3.250 OTA, RSDlite, and motofail root.… ... sorry, thought it may be of use! is it a little odd these recovery files for fastboot arent in ...
