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XYZprinting Da Vinci 1.0 3D Printer: Industrial & Scientific Carhartt WIP 向來以經典的中性美式工裝風格而聞名,而擁有百年歷史的經典版型與現代生活風格相結合,以現今的美學思維與品牌細膩的精湛工藝呈現最新一季的出色單品。這個冬季 Carhartt WIP 除了首次於台灣發售的主線女裝系列,也搶在溫馨的耶誕時節前,同步發售多款耶誕氣息濃厚的雪花及雜訊Let's be clear, buying a 3D printer for $500 is exactly what you think it is. Any other system that is shipped as a complete unit is triple this cost to get high quality results. It's unfair to slam the makers of this product if you're looking for high qu...


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