WEN-CHANG - the Chinese God of Writing (Chinese mythology)近日dcard網友分享,某天帶男友回宿舍「愛愛」,二人太投入,「愛愛」的聲音太大,讓室友受不了在門上貼「室友公告」,裡面的「藏頭詩」看了讓她不敢出聲了,網友都說:「室友太有才哈哈,隔音一定很差。」 (圖:室友公告 Sourse:dcard ) 原本以為她放假回家,帶著男友回家「愛愛」,由於自己「愛愛He started out as Zhang Ya Zi, a Zhou Dynasty sage who could predict the future and perform great transformations. With his superior knowledge of The Way (DAO), he was elevated to Heaven and now sits enthroned in the Big Dipper (Plough). WEN-CHANG is also...