Yacht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia一位一年級的女老師最近被他的一個學生所困擾.老師問:「你怎麼了?」 學生回答說:「我太聰明了,一年級對我來說太簡單了。我比我姐姐都聰明,可是她卻在3年級。我覺得我也應該上三年級!」 老師已經受夠他了。於是她把學生帶到了校長辦公室。 她向校長解釋了一下學生的情況.&nbsA yacht /ˈjɒt/ is a recreational boat or ship. The term originated from the Dutch Jacht meaning "hunt".[note 1] It was originally defined as a light fast sailing vessel used by the Dutch navy to pursue pirates and other transgressors around and into the s...