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親,訪問受限了     驚!!!              親,慢慢來,請先坐下來喝口水!我們馬上回來。為保證您的正常訪問,請輸入下圖中的文字內容: ... 親,慢慢來,請先坐下來喝口水!我們馬上回來。為保證您的正常訪問,請 ......


Alibaba Takes Stake in Chinese Logistics Company - WSJ 這樣上廁所也太累了吧!?This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit


Alibaba Invests $590 Million In Chinese Smartphone Maker Meizu | TechCrunch 撞衫沒關西、撞臉可就不好囉!Alibaba is stumping up more than half a billion dollars to kick its lacklustre mobile phone business into gear. The NYSE-listed e-commerce giant today announced a $590 million investment in Chinese phone-maker Meizu. The deal grants Alibaba an undisclosed...


Chinese giant Alibaba boosts stake in US online retailer Zulily 只是掃個地有必要這樣嗎!?Alibaba, already China's biggest e-commerce company, wants at least half of its sales to come from overseas. Photo: Bloomberg Alibaba , China's biggest e-commerce company, has acquired $US56.2 million ($70.8 million) worth of shares in US online retailer ...


Apple's Cook 'very bullish' on Chinese Apple Pay rollout, in talks with banks and Alibaba 你有事嗎?搞成這樣During a recent visit to China, Apple CEO Tim Cook said his company is moving forward with talks to roll out Apple Pay in partnership with regional banks and perhaps e-commerce giant Alibaba Group. ... Apple's Cook 'very bullish' on Chinese Apple Pay roll...
