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YHOO: Summary for Yahoo! Inc.- Yahoo! Finance一名年輕人應徵機場塔台的工作,他通過了前面考試後,最後一關是口試。考官:「有一架飛機準備降落,你從望遠鏡裡發現他的起落架沒有放,你會怎麼辦?」考生:「我會立刻用無線電警告他。」考官:「如果他沒有回答呢?」考生:「我會立刻取出信號燈,發送『危險,不得降落』的訊號。」考官:「可是他還是繼續下降。」考生:View the basic YHOO stock chart on Yahoo! Finance. Change the date range, chart type and compare Yahoo! Inc. against other companies. ... Yahoo! Inc. operates as a technology company worldwide. The company offers Yahoo Search that serves as a starting ......


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