yahoo mail outlook 2010 設定

如何用 Outlook 收發 Yahoo! 信箱的 Email? _ 重灌狂人竟然敢用屎砸我...!? 由於Yahoo還不免費支援「POP收信」的方式來收發Yahoo信箱中的Email,也就是無法使用Outlook之類的郵件軟體來收發Yahoo的信件,如果真的要「租用」POP收信收信功能,讓Outlook Express、Outlook、Thunderbird等等軟體可以收發Yahoo中的Email的話,得 ......


Add Yahoo mail account to Outlook 2010-2013 without upgraded yahoo mail - YouTube長大了...才知道飯菜得珍貴(淚) This video is a demo on how to add your yahoo E-mail account to Microsoft Outlook 2010. This requires no upgraded email just your normal one. I looked around and tried a bunch of different things until i got this to work so i hope it helps you as much as ...
