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National Basketball Association - Official Site話說有一次期中考,有五題是考迪克森片語,大家背得很熟,可是卻有一題怎麼也想不起來~ 題目是這樣的: John and Mary make ˍˍˍ after their quarreling. 考完後,大家一臉詭異的笑容都不說甚麼~幾天後,老師改完考卷面有難色的走進來說The official site of the National Basketball Association. Includes news, features, multimedia, player profiles, chat transcripts, schedules and statistics. ... The NBA on Facebook Connect with Facebook and "like" your favorite team to get personalized new...


Yahoo Singapore Sports - NBA有一個人向女友求婚,在答應他的求婚之前,女友告訴他她在床底下藏了一個鞋盒,並要他答應絕對不能去看盒子裡的東西。 男子表示他能夠理解,他也不喜歡有人去翻他的皮夾,故絕不會去偷看鞋盒裡的東西。五年過去了,他們一直過著幸福的婚姻生活。 有一天,先生獨自在家,他的好奇心戰勝了理智,於是他把鞋盒打開,看到裡面NBA basketball results, teams, players, news ... Warriors top Spurs for record-tying 72nd win Reuters - Mon, Apr 11, 2016 11:11 AM SGT The quest for one record was thwarted Sunday when the Golden State Warriors beat San Antonio 92-86 to end the Spurs ......
