對著 iPhone 喊「今年請多指教」 Siri 竟然回:謝謝,今年的充電也要拜託您了
Yahoo POP3 and SMTP Settings | Techblissonline.com 所有果粉,相信都很喜歡跟iPhone Siri 這位虛擬助理對話,其中會有不少爆笑的答案,網友就會截圖發布在各種討論區,也引發網友熱議,拿起手邊的手機試試看!這次就有日本的網友,趁著 2015 年跨年時,向 Siri 對話,結果出現了一連串爆笑的圖片,快來看看吧! ▼Yahoo POP3 and SMTP support has been there for long unlike Hotmail POP3 support by Microsoft. Though Yahoo supports POP3 and SMTP protocols for a long time now, it provides this support for free in Yahoo Asia but not in other countries at the time of writ...